Getting more Customers to Your Restaurant by Being No.1 on Google Maps!

Average Clicks Rate When You Are Number 1!
Increase in searches for menus.
Of Mobile Local Searches Prompt an Offline Purchase.
Of Consumers Used Google to Evaluate Local Restaurants.
Google Maps

Why Local SEO?

The Google Business Profile is that one tool that everyone sets up when they start a new business and then thinks that the job is done. That your rankings are completely up to Google and that it is just a waiting game to get Google to rank you near the top.
Well this couldn’t be more wrong. We have helped over 100 restaurants gain more visibility, walk-ins and ultimately more bookings. We can quite literally ‘put your restaurant on the map’!

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The Power Of Local SEO


Google Maps puts your restaurant in front of thousands of potential customers every second who have not decided where to eat. Being near the top of Google Maps increases your business discovery from NON-branded search queries… These are terms such as ‘Restaurant Near me

Business Info

It ensures consistency across the internet allowing you to keep your customers in the loop with your phone number, menu changes, websites updates and more. 64% of consumer’s, trust and rely on Google Maps information for its consistency and simplicity.

Customer Feedback

It is the leading platform for customer feedback and reviews overtaking TripAdvisor. 91% of consumers read online reviews, and 84% of people trust reviews just as much as personal recommendations from friends.

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Prepared just for you, using the best digital marketing ingredients

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